Flowering Tea - Green Varieties

Field of flowers bloom.  Flowering green tea
flowering tea - green tea, marigold and lily
flowering tea - green tea and jasmine in a glass teapot
flowering tea - green tea, red lily and peach
flowering tea- flowering in a gift box
flowering green tea.  each in a box
Flowering tea value pack
Marigold and green tea flowering tea

Flowering Tea - Green Varieties

  • Taste profile: Each flowering tea has it's own taste profile depending on the bloom chosen
  • Impress your guests with gorgeous flowering tea bulbs
  • A range of flowers and flavours to choose from
  • Each bulb comes individually boxed
  • Secure payments
Regular price $5.50
Tax included.

Origin: China


  • Green tea
  • Various flowers
  • Quantity: 1 flowering bulb per cup of water
  • Water Temperature: 80° water
  • Time: 3-4 minutes. Until the leaves unfurl
  • Options: Avoid over brewing so the taste does not become too bitter.

Serve in a glass teacup from Tea by BIrdy

Want to experience the taste of other flowering teas? Check out our range of black flowering tea and white flowering tea.

  1. Powerful Antioxidants: Abundant in catechins like EGCG, green tea combats oxidative stress and lowers the risk of chronic diseases.
  2. Heart Health: Reduces bad cholesterol levels, improves blood vessel function, and lowers blood pressure, promoting cardiovascular well-being.
  3. Weight Management: Boosts metabolism and aids in fat burning, assisting with weight loss efforts.
  4. Cognitive Enhancement: Contains caffeine and L-theanine for improved focus, alertness, and mental clarity.
  5. Digestive Support: May alleviate digestive issues and soothe gastrointestinal discomfort.
  6. Oral Health: Natural fluoride content helps prevent tooth decay and inhibits harmful oral bacteria.
  7. Immune Boost: Strengthens the immune system, enhancing the body's defense against infections.
  8. Stress Reduction: L-theanine promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels.
  9. Anti-Inflammatory: Helps reduce inflammation in the body, potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases.
  10. Cancer Prevention: Research suggests green tea's antioxidants may help prevent cancer cell growth.
  11. Skin Benefits: Protects against UV damage, contributes to clearer skin, and may slow the aging process.
  12. Type 2 Diabetes Management: Improves insulin sensitivity and regulates blood sugar, reducing diabetes risk.

For optimal benefits, incorporate green tea into a balanced diet and lifestyle, and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Get Bloomin' with Our Delicious Green Flowering Tea

Flowering tea is like a gift from the tea gods themselves. It's like receiving a bouquet of flowers, except you get to drink them! Who needs flowers that will wither and die when you can have a tasty cup of tea?

These little blooming beauties are not only pleasing to the eye but also to the taste buds. Sip on a cup of our green flowering tea, available in a host of pretty flowers and be transported to a magical land of flavour and wonder. With each sip, you'll taste a delicate blend of green tea goodness hand woven around the subtle sweetness of fruits and / or flowers.

So why settle for boring tea when you can have a 'blooming' good time with our green flowering tea? With six delicious flavours to choose from, you can try them all.   Flowering tea is perfect for any green tea lover looking for a little bit of fun and flavour in their life. Guaranteed to impress!

Field of flowers bloom - Green tea, marigold, jasmine and globe amaranth - The gorgeous globe amaranth flower pops up above a field of yellow marigold and white jasmine flowers.  A simply spectacular vision.

Minty bloom - Green tea, peppermint, jasmine and globe amaranth - Watch as the beautiful, red globe amaranth flower pops up, allowing the jasmine blossoms and peppermint leaves to release their unique flavours.  Great for digestion too.

Peachy bloom - Green tea, red lily, peach and jasmine - This green tea is surrounded by delicate stunning lily and jasmine flowers.  With a subtle sweetness of strawberry, the peach and green tea make the perfect pairing.  

Jazzy Bloom - Green tea with jasmine and globe amaranth -  2 stunning strings of jasmine flowers creep gently from a ball of globe amaranth and green tea.  This simple but classic bloom releases a jasmine flavour with a very slight nutty flavour.

Sunrise Bloom - Green tea with marigold - Several bright yellow marigold flowers emerge from its nest of green tea leaves.  Bring some sunshine to your morning cup of tea.

Ozzy Bloom Green tea with sweet osmanthus - A elegant blend of green tea and delicate sweet osmanthus makes this a classy choice.  This is a more traditional form of flowering tea as it is the green tea that forms the flower, rather than a showy colourful flower.  

Flowering tea value pack - 4 flowering teas in a mylar bag.  When choosing this option, you will receive 4  x Jazzy Bloom.

 *Our green flowering teas are available in one of our classy green flowering tea gift boxes, with each flowering tea individually boxed or in a flowering tea tin.

Brew: For the best results, brew the tea for four - five minutes in water around 80 degrees C. Avoid over-brewing to make sure the taste does not become too bitter.  If you like things sweet, you can add a little sugar or honey.  Or add ice to make a great iced tea.

*We recommend that you brew flowering tea in a larger size glass teapot.  When brewed in a small cup the taste may become too strong too quickly.  With a larger glass teapot, you can refill 2-3, ensuring you get the maximum value from each flowering bloom.  We have a 550ml Tea pot and cup package that is just perfect for flowering tea.

Learn all about the history and health benefits of green tea.